16 October 2013

Edgar Müeller

Born in 1968 in Mülheim, Ruhr, Germany, Edgar Müeller is considered by many to be one of the world's top 3-D illusionist street painters and has been featured as "Maestro Madonnaro" at the largest street painting festival, the Grazie Festival. This name has only been given to a few select artists worldwide. His contemporary street painting features images that change from one picture to another throughout the day due to photo luminescent paints.

Müeller's fascination with painting began in his childhood, with paintings of rural scenes of Straelen. During high school, he won his first international street painting competition at age sixteen. Around the age of 25, Müeller devoted his time completely to street painting. He traveled across Europe, making a living with his transitional art. Concurrently, he created workshops at schools and began the first internet board of street painters in Germany.

For many years Edgar Müller has always looked for new forms of expression and has presented people the great works of old masters, drawing his perfect copies at the observers' feet. Because of his grounding in traditional painting and modern communication, Mueller uses a more simple and graphic language for his art. He paints over large areas of urban public life and gives them a new appearance, thereby challenging the perceptions of passers-by. The observer becomes a part of the new scenery offered. For more artwork, visit http://www.metanamorph.com/

If you got interested in his work and want to buy works of art, please visit our website.

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